Tips To Avoid The Holiday Weight Gain

First and foremost, plan ahead. Before attending any parties or family gatherings where there is likely to be an abundance of food options, make sure you have eaten something healthy beforehand so that you don’t arrive hungry. This will help prevent overeating throughout the evening. Additionally, if you are hosting an event yourself try to offer healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit platters or vegetable trays alongside more indulgent options like cookies or cakes.

Secondly, practice mindful eating while at social events. When presented with a variety of foods choose what appeals most to your taste buds without overindulging in any single item; savor each bite slowly and pay attention to how full your stomach feels as you eat rather than mindlessly shoveling food into your mouth without thought or care.

Thirdly, stay active throughout the holidays! While enjoying seasonal festivities such as decorating for Christmas or Hanukkah may not seem like exercise at first glance; try taking breaks every 30 minutes or so for physical activity such as going for a walk around the neighborhood! Even just 15 minutes of physical activity per day can help keep extra pounds from creeping on during this busy season.

Finally, find ways to enjoy other activities besides eating from playing board games with family members after dinner instead of snacking on sweets in front of the tv or taking part in organized activities like ice skating together there are plenty of fun things that don’t involve food that everyone can take part in together!

In conclusion, following these simple tips will help ensure that you make it through this festive season without packing extra pounds due to unhealthy eating habits! Remember planning ahead and staying mindful while snacking is key; plus finding alternative activities besides consuming large amounts of food will go far in helping keep body weight stable despite all those tempting treats available during this time of year!